Bulk Freeze Tool

For facilities that need to temporarily suspend operations or freeze many memberships at once, Rock Gym Pro has a way to “bulk freeze” members, which you can specify by customer type (e.g.; EFT, Prepaid, Custom Tagged Customers, etc.).  You can access this tool by going to Data Entry > Manage > Bulk Actions > Bulk Freeze.


Applying a Bulk Freeze

Step 1: Choose the Parameters for the Bulk Freeze

In the Step 1 - Parameters section, select the date you'd like the freeze to start and add a Reference Tag.  The Reference Tag should be a unique tag and will be used for future reference to undo the bulk freeze whenever the time comes.


Step 2: Choose the Customers for the Bulk Freeze

In the Step 2 - Customers section, choose who will be frozen.  You can choose all of your active EFT Members, all of your Active Prepaid Members, and/or customers with a particular tag on their customer record.  


Step 3: Check the Bulk Freeze Preview

After you've applied the parameters and chosen the customers to bulk freeze, click on the Step 3: Update Preview button.  You should then see a list of customers below that meet the criteria chosen in Step 2.  Double-check it to make sure these are the customers you want to freeze.


Step 4: Execute the Bulk Freeze

After you've confirmed that your parameters, customers, and preview are all correct, click the Step 4: Execute button. The bulk freeze will then be recorded on the customer records and scheduled to begin on the date set in the parameters.



Undoing a Bulk Freeze

If/When you want to return your customers to the state prior to their Bulk Freeze, you have a few options.  You can read more about those options here: Is there a Bulk Unfreeze option?


Some notes about the tool:

  • Customers will be billed whatever freeze fees are configured in your settings unless you set up alternate freeze fees on a customer-by-customer basis. You can check your freeze fees in Data Entry > Manage Settings > Memberships tab.

  • For multigym operations - you must run the Bulk Freeze Tool on EACH database.

  • If you have customers with Alternate Freeze Fees, those fees will not be changed by this tool.  You’ll want to add in the custom report below and change those manually.
  • You can use the Billing Preview report to confirm everyone's dues are as you expect them. Note that Alternate Freeze Fees are not properly reflected in this report, so be sure to review those directly below.

Alternate Freeze Fee - Custom Report



  • From Data Entry go to: Reporting General ReportsCustom
  • Add SQL
  • Cut and Paste the SQL below


------- SQL BELOW - do not include this line --








customers c


c.ALT_FREEZE_FEE <> '-1.00'

AND c.ALT_FREEZE_FEE <> '0.00'








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