Bulk Transfer Customers

Organizations that use RGP in multiple linked facilities can transfer customers from facility to facility. Some situations, like the closure of a facility or changes in membership policies, might require an organization to transfer a large number of members at the same time. The Bulk Transfer tool is designed to make this process easier.

  1. Tag the customers you wish to transfer. You can tag individual customers using the Tags tab on their customer records, but for bulk transfers the easiest process is to bulk tag the customers to be transferred via a Customer Query.
  2. Navigate to the Bulk Transfer tool via Data Entry > Manage > Bulk Actions > Bulk Transfer.
  3. Use the Select Tag button to select the tag you used for customers to be transferred in step 1.
  4. Use the Select Destination button to choose the facility to which these customers will be transferred.
  5. Credit Card Data: Depending on the credit card processor or processors used by the starting and ending facilities for the customers being transferred, you will see up to 4 options for transferring customers and their stored credit card details. If you see no options, it means that all credit card data is transferrable and no choice is necessary. Select the appropriate option.
    • Do not transfer credit card data
      All customers will be transferred without credit card data stored on their customer records. Any stored credit card data will be erased.
    • Do not transfer customers if they have credit card data
      Customers without credit card data stored on their customers records will be transferred but customers with credit card data stored on their customer records will not. This will prevent you from losing stored credit card data for these customers, but will require you to transfer these customers and their credit card data manually.
    • Always transfer customers, erase credit card data that can't be transferred
      All customers will be transferred whether or not they have credit card data stored on their customer records. When possible, stored credit card data will be transferred. When stored credit card data is not transferrable, the customer will be transferred anyway and the stored credit card data will be erased.
    • Do not transfer customers if their credit card data can't transfer
      RGP will attempt to transfer all customers. If customers have stored credit card data on their customer records that is not transferrable, they will not be transferred. This will prevent you from losing stored credit card data for these customers, but will require you to transfer these customers and their credit card data manually.
  6. Click the Execute button to transfer customers.

Please note that the Bulk Transfer tool has the same limitations as the standard customer transfer process, which means the following kinds of customers cannot be transferred.

  • Staff members
  • Customers with outstanding account balances or credits
  • Customers with open invoices
  • Customers who are the responsibility of another customer (either for membership or a punch card)
  • Customers who are responsible for another customer (either for membership or a punch card)
  • Customers who are frozen

If any of the customers you have tagged fall into one of these categories the bulk transfer will proceed, but these customers will not be transferred. Instead, they will be displayed at the bottom of the Bulk Transfer window after the transfer action is complete, along with the circumstances that prevented their transfer so that they can be addressed.

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