Discounting a transaction in Point of Sale

Here is how to add a discount to multiple items or an entire transaction. If you need to discount only a particular item in the transaction, click here.

    1. To get started, click POS to launch the Point of Sale system.
    2. Add a customer.
    3. Add the items to the transaction. 
    4. Hold down the CTRL key and click on each of the items in the transaction to which you want to add the discount. 
    5. With your items in the transaction selected, click the Edit button toward the bottom of the screen.
    6. Choose the discount from the drop-down menu or choose "Custom" to enter a custom discount amount. 
    7. Click OK to save.
    8. The discount will show up in the transaction for the selected items.
    9. Complete the transaction.


Related Links
Discounting an item in Point of Sale
Overview of the Point of Sale system

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