Troubleshooting Your RGP Cloud Connection

In order to provide you with help quickly and efficiently, we need to know more about the issue you're experiencing. Please look at the different scenarios below and click on the scenario that best meets your current situation for further instruction.

*Every facility that is on the RGP Cloud has at least one person who has been designated by your facility to be the Cloud Organization Admin.  Cloud Organization Admins have access to credentials for your cloud seats, facilities, and more.  Many of the above scenarios will require assistance from your facility's Cloud Organization Admin.  If you are unsure who that is, please reach out to a manager or owner at your facility.


You Need to Move the Cloud Seat to Another Computer

Follow the steps in this support article: How to Move a Cloud Seat to a New Computer



Not Receiving 2FA Texts

Check the RGP Cloud Dashboard:  Your facility's Cloud Organization Admin can log into the RGP Cloud Dashboard to check the phone number associated with your personal seat.


If this doesn't resolve your issue, send an email to with the following:

  • The specific facility to which you are trying to connect
  • A phone number where we can reach you
  • The username for the seat(s) that are not receiving 2FA texts

RGP is Frozen

  1. Check for Minimized Windows: Sometimes a report or RGP window can be minimized but because this window is open, others seem frozen. Hover over the RGP icons in the taskbar just to be sure there isn't a report or another odd RGP window open.

  2. Force Close RGP in the Cloud: If your Cloud Seat is connected to the Cloud, but RGP is frozen and you can't click on anything in RGP, on the cloud desktop, press CTRL + SHIFT + ESC to launch the Task Manager. From here you can right-click and End Tasks that are frozen.

    Note:  Make sure you have clicked on the Cloud desktop and then use CTRL + SHIFT + ESC and not CTRL + ALT + DELETE.  CTRL + ALT + DELETE will open the Task Manager on your local computer, but CTRL + SHIFT + ESC will open the Task Manager on the Cloud Desktop if you click on the Cloud desktop first.
  3. Sign Out of Windows in the Cloud: On the cloud desktop, click the Windows icon in the bottom left corner of the screen.  Then, click the user icon and then choose the "Sign Out" option. This will stop and close all programs and processes for the cloud seat and disconnect the user.  After you are signed out, connect again to the cloud host and see if the issue is resolved. 

    Note: This is different than choosing to "Disconnect" or exiting out of the cloud.  This fully shuts down all of your programs and processes in the cloud.  Just closing out the cloud connection will not achieve the same results, nor will rebooting your local computer.  

If this doesn't resolve your issue, send an email to with the following:

  • The specific facility to which you are trying to connect
  • A phone number where we can reach you
  • The username for the seat you are using

If you don't know the username, open the RGP Cloud Client application.  Select the connection profile, then click the Edit button.  If you're unable to see any buttons under the Connect button, click the "Show connection management options" link button first.

One Cloud Seat Unable to Connect to the Cloud

  1. Confirm Your Internet Connection: 
     - If you were unable to open this support article on the computer, that might be an indication that your computer is not connected to the internet.  Please reach out to the network administrator at your facility.
    - If you were able to open this support article on the computer but it took a long time, it's possible your internet connection is not strong or stable.  Please reach out to the network administrator at your facility.
    - If you were able to open this support article on the computer quickly but still can't connect, double-check the network.  If you're at the facility and you're on wifi, try moving closer to the router. If you're not at the facility, make sure that the wifi where you are located allows remote desktop connections.

    Note: Often, public places that offer WiFi (hotels, coffee shops, libraries, hospitals) allow internet connections but do not allow remote desktop connections, which the RGP Cloud relies on.  If you are in a public place, speak to a staff member and ask if their network allows remote desktop connections.  They may not know, but please try to find someone at the location who does.

  2. Reboot Your Computer: Sometimes rebooting your computer can fix issues on the backend that are preventing it from connecting to the Cloud.

  3. Check for Clues from Error Message: Different types of connection errors can point to different types of issues. 
    - Enter your credentials: This error message can appear if there have been changes to the domain your computer is on.  To fix this, click Cancel on the error message.  Select your connection profile, and click Edit to view it. Make no changes, but click OK.  Then try reconnecting.

    - Status Code: 401 - Unauthorized (Facility lookup failed, check endpoint and port): This error message typically means that your DNS Endpoint or DNS Port is incorrect.  Select your connection profile then click the Edit button.  The DNS Endpoint and DNS Port should match every other RGP Cloud Connection Profile at your facility.  Make sure everything is spelled correctly, letter by letter.  If you're unsure, reach out to your facility's Cloud Organization Admin.

    -Status Code: 401 - Unauthorized (The username and password do not match. Please try again.): This error message typically means that either your username or password is incorrect. Select your connection profile then click the Edit button. Double-check your username and, if you have a personal seat, type in your password again. If you're unsure what your username is or don't know your password, reach out to your facility's Cloud Organization Admin.  Personal seats can also reset their password by going to 

    - Remote Desktop can't connect to the remote computer...:  This error message can mean a few different things.  First, open your connection profile and make sure the "Use authorization service when connecting" box is checked.  If it was, make sure that your computer can connect to the internet and, if you have other connection profiles on your computer, try connecting with a different one to see if it's your computer or your cloud seat.  

  4. Delete and Add Your Connection Profile Again: With the help of your facility's Cloud Organization Admin, you can delete your connection profile and download it again.  You can read more about that here: How to Move a Cloud Seat to a New Computer
  5. Reset Your Password:  If you have a personal seat, you can reset your password here: 
    If you have a workstation seat, you will need the help of your facility's Cloud Organization Admin to reset your password.  You can read more about that here: How to Move a Cloud Seat to a New Computer

If this doesn't resolve your issue, send an email to with the following:

  • The specific facility to which you are trying to connect
  • The username for the seat you are using
  • A description of what happens when the connection fails

Some Cloud Seats Unable to Connect to the Cloud

  1. Compare Internet Connections: If some computers can connect but others cannot, it's important to note whether the ones that can connect are connected via ethernet cable or are closer to Wifi routers.  Wifi networks, though convenient, can be unreliable.  If at all possible, try hardwiring with an ethernet cable to your router.  If the computers that are disconnected from the cloud are on wifi, reboot your modem/router. 
  2. Check for Clues from Error Message:  Different types of connection errors can point to different types of issues. See the section above for some error messages and their meanings. 

If this doesn't resolve your issue, send an email to with the following:

  • Subject line: "RGP Cloud Can't Connect"
  • The specific facility to which you are trying to connect
  • A phone number where we can reach you
  • The username for the seats that are unable to connect
  • A description of what happens when the connection fails

All Cloud Seats Unable to Connect to the Cloud

  1. Confirm Your Internet Connection: If none of your computers were able to open this support article, there is likely an issue with your network or Internet Service Provider.  Reach out to your network administrator for more help. 
  2. Check Your Network: Sometimes changes by your Internet Service Provider or to your modem/router can prevent connections to the cloud.  It will be quicker to first try to reboot your modem/router. 

If this doesn't resolve your issue, send an email to with the following:

  • Subject line: "RGP Cloud Can't Connect"
  • The specific facility to which you are trying to connect
  • A phone number where we can reach you

Cloud Seats Can Connect, But Keep Getting Disconnected

  1.  Check Your Network: Sometimes, frequent disconnects can point to an unstable internet connection.  The RGP Cloud relies on a constant connection since it is a remote connection.  Loss of internet, even for a fraction of a second, will disconnect the connection to the cloud, even if you're able to open web pages in a web browser.  Reach out to your network administrator.  They may suggest rebooting your modem/router or reaching out to your Internet Service Provider to do some testing.
  2. Switch to Ethernet: Wifi networks, though convenient, can be unreliable.  If at all possible, try hardwiring with an ethernet cable to your router.

If this doesn't resolve your issue, send an email to with the following:

  • Subject line: "RGP Cloud Can't Connect"
  • The specific facility to which you are trying to connect
  • A phone number where we can reach you
  • The username for the seats that keep getting disconnected
  • A description of what happens when the connection fails


Version Mismatch / Red Status Light (Multi-Location Facilities)

Nightly, cloud hosts check for RGP updates.  If, for whatever reason, a cloud host does not update when other facilities in a multi-location facility group do, you will get a red status light near the top of Data Entry.  If you click on that red status light, it will say "Version Mismatch".  At this time, the only way to correct a version mismatch is for RGP support to log in and manually update the facility or facilities that did not automatically update.  

To resolve your issue, send an email to with the following:

  • Subject line: "RGP Cloud Can't Connect - Version Mismatch"
  • The name of the facility (we only need to know one, we can look it up from there)


MySQL Errors indicating "deadlock" or "lock wait timeout exceeded"

A facility may see errors indicating a "deadlock" or "lock wait timeout exceeded", similar to the ones below. 

If your facility receives error messages that indicate a "deadlock" or that the "lock wait timeout exceeded". try to complete the transaction again. If you receive that message again, please reach out to RGP support to resolve the issue.

To resolve your issue, send an email to with the following:

  • Subject line: "Deadlock"
  • The name of the facility (or facilities)
  • What action you are doing right before you receive the message
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