Once a customer has booked an event through your website you will be notified by the Calendar. You will then need to assign the customer to a customer profile in your database.
- On the main calendar window the Online Transactions button will have a green outline when you have an online booking to assign. Click the Online Transactions button to open the Online Transaction Management window.
- In the Online Transaction window, click the transaction you’d like to assign to a customer. Click the Assign button to bring up the Assign Online Customer window.
- You will now need to assign the transaction to an existing customer or create a new customer profile.
- If the system recognizes the customer it will suggest a profile. If correct click the Assign To Existing Customer button.
- If the system doesn’t recognize the customer click the Manual Assignment-Lookup Customer button. Search by the name, select the correct member and click OK.
- If the customer isn’t in the system, you will need to add them. Check Transaction is for a new customer and click the the Create New Customer button. Enter the customer’s name and any other information you have and click OK.
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