Assigning a customer to an online transaction

Once a customer has booked an event through your website you will be notified by the Calendar. You will then need to assign the customer to a customer profile in your database.

  1. On the main calendar window the Online Transactions button will have a green outline when you have an online booking to assign. Click the Online Transactions button to open the Online Transaction Management window.
  2. In the Online Transaction window, click the transaction you’d like to assign to a customer. Click the Assign button to bring up the Assign Online Customer window.
  3. You will now need to assign the transaction to an existing customer or create a new customer profile.
  • If the system recognizes the customer it will suggest a profile. If correct click the Assign To Existing Customer button.
  • If the system doesn’t recognize the customer click the Manual Assignment-Lookup Customer button. Search by the name, select the correct member and click OK.
  • If the customer isn’t in the system, you will need to add them. Check Transaction is for a new customer and click the the Create New Customer button. Enter the customer’s name and any other information you have and click OK.
  • A pop-up window will ask you to confirm the assignment of the transaction to the customer. Click Yes.
  • Click Close to finish.



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