Selecting multiple offerings from the offering list

In the offering list on the main calendar view you can usually select one item to view at a time. If you select one top level item you’ll be able to see all sub-categories, offerings and iCal feeds underneath it. However, you won’t be able to select more than one top level category at once. Similarly, you can’t select more than one offering by default. To view multiple items at once, you need to have the calendar display checkboxes by each item that you can then select.

  1. On the main calendar window, select the Offering & Feeds tab.
  2. Click the Show checkboxes in offering list.
  3. This will now display checkboxes for each offering in the offering list, allowing you to select multiple items to display on the calendar view.

Note that when you are using checkboxes to display offerings you’ll be unable to display the full schedule for an offering, just booked events. You will only see booked events or events set to display on the calendar regardless of booking status.  


Related Links
Setting an offering to only show booked events in the calendar


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