RGP Update - More New Features Released - April, 2017

Three weeks after the last Rock Gym Pro update, more features and bug fixes are ready for you to install.

To get the latest version, go to Data Entry -> Manage -> About -> Update.

With this latest update, there are four features to highlight: (a list of Bug Fixes is shown at the bottom of this page)

1. Automatic Assignments for Online Transactions

When an incoming online transaction matches a SPECIFIC customer record in RGP with an identical email address and date of birth, the transaction will now be automatically assigned. Automatic Assignments will only occur for the person booking the event (the “Bookees”), not Participants on the transaction. If the Bookee and Participant are the same person, however, both will be automatically assigned. 

No set up is required for this feature and it will be automatically enabled when RGP is updated.



2. Calendar Offerings Within “X” Hours of an Event

You can now set up your Online Calendar Offerings so that participants are limited to booking specific events within a specific number of hours prior to the event. This feature is particularly useful for gyms that offer fitness classes and want to allow only short-term bookings for those events (e.g., same day bookings)   

To set up, go to: Edit Offering -> Booking



3. Allow Staff to Bill On-Account Balances for Terminated Accounts

You can now set up RGP to automatically prompt staff members to charge a credit card balance after adding a termination. The prompt (shown below) will appear when a member has an upcoming termination on the next billing date.  This feature is useful for gyms that allow on-account sales and want to make sure the customer’s balance is charged prior to termination.

Please note:  This feature is for Credit Card Balances only. For ACH customers, staff will continue to be warned about balances for terminated accounts, but will not be prompted to settle the account.

This feature is defaulted to OFF, so you must first enable in your Settings.

To enable, go to: Configure Settings → Payment & Billing

Set Up



Message Displayed



4. New Billing Status Prompts

When staff select the standard FreezeUn-Freeze and Terminate status buttons, a new prompt will appear allowing them to select either the Next Billing Date or a specified Future Billing Date. For prepaid members, the option will show as either Today or a Future Billing Date.  Future prepaid Un-Freezes (Thaws) are not allowed. 

A number of customers using the Online Membership Change Form are selecting future dates when requesting changes to their membership status. This feature was added so that staff members have the capability to accommodate those requests using the standard default status buttons.

Freeze Account Prompt



Terminate Account Prompt



Unfreeze Account Prompt





 Bug Fixes: March 20 – April 3, 2017

Updating to the latest RGP version will ensure all of the bug fixes listed below are installed.

To get the latest version, go to Data Entry -> Manage -> About -> Update.

  • Waiver expiration email did not trigger as expected. Fixed
  • Audit log viewer – end date was off by one day. Fixed    
  • Online Change Form – send ACH changes deceptively did not update bank account in certain situations. Fixed
  • “Assigned By” column was blank, despite properly recording assignments in the database.  Fixed
  • Data Entry -> Advanced -> Move Records
    This function was unintentionally broken in the last update. Fixed




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