Updated: November 22, 2021 - New Release for RGP Cloud Users
Updated: November 29, 2021 - Released to Locally Hosted
If you’re using RGP Cloud, you do not need to install a new version of the software to use the updated features listed below. You already have them!
Changes in This Update Include:
1) Improved Stripe Reconciliation Report
The fees in the General Report Stripe Reconciliation Report will be the actual fees charged vs. the estimated fees from before. Once the update is installed and daily maintenance is run a few times manually.
- Go to Data Entry --> Reports --> General Reports --> Stripe Online Payment Reconciliation Report -
- Select Use Actual Fees
- Select Include Transaction Details
- Leave Stripe fees and the last checkbox blank.
- Click OK
This report will show the Gross/Net/Fees broken down for all Stripe Custom payments as well as 24-hour splits between your local time and UTC when Stripe batches out for the day. You can schedule this report to be emailed to you on a set schedule.
2) Improved Journal Entry Reports
Use the actual fees from Stripe to adjust your Journal Entry Reports.
Go to: Data Entry --> Manage --> Settings --> Integrations --> Other Tools --> Adjust Stripe Journal Entries for Fees/UTC
- Select Use Actual Fees
- Modify Journal Entry Report (will add a new line just for Stripe Fees)
- If you use the QuickBooks integration you can also select Modify QuickBooks Journal Entry Transfers (this will create a new line item just for Stripe Fees that can be mapped to a different account within QuickBooks)
Misc. Fixes
- Added an "ALL" option for check-in history
- Don't allow swiping credit card for billing if no reader ID is set - Fixed
- Not copying Open/Close settings when copying Offerings - Fixed
- Chinese/extended characters causing issues - Fixed
- Added new tracking code field in Calendar Offerings
- Added barcode column to inventory report
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