Setting Up Your Smartwaiver in RGP

As a Rock Gym Pro user, you have the option to create a free Smartwaiver account that can seamlessly integrate signed, digital smart waivers with your RGP account. This Smartwaiver integration is available to RGP users on the Plus or Premium paid plans.

Create a Document Type (first time)

Before setting up the Smartwaiver + RGP integration, you need to first create a 'Document Type' in RGP.  If you already have a document type for your form, you can skip this part.

  1. From Data Entry, go to Manage and select Document Management to open up the Document Management Configuration window.
  2. To add a new document management type, click the Add button. You can now configure the following settings:
  • Document type name
  • Click OK to save the document type.

Note:  If you are a multigym that shares waivers, you will need to create the Document Type in each database and the barcode must match in each database. You can read more about that here: Multigym: Creating Digital Documents


Create a Smartwaiver Account (first time)

Once you have your Document Type set up, you can then link Smartwaiver and RGP.  If you have already created a Smartwaiver account that is linked in RGP, you can skip this part.  If you have not created a Smartwaiver account already, you'll need to create one in RGP:

  1. From Data Entry go to Manage → Waiver Management / Stations
  2. Enter your Staff PIN, click on the Smartwaiver Integration button, in the lower-left corner.
  3. Click on Create FREE Smartwaiver Account
  4. Complete the required fields and click Create Account

Your RGP and Smartwaiver accounts are now linked!


Send In Your Waiver

Once you have created an account, send your waiver as a Word doc or PDF (not a scanned image) to:

RGP will then send you an email once your waiver has been converted (generally takes less than one business day) by the good folks at Smartwaiver.


Add Your Smartwaiver to RGP

Once converted, you’ll need to add your Smartwaiver to the list of documents in the RGP Waiver Management screen.



From the next screen, select Integrate an existing form, choose the document and then click OK.



Make sure the Form Active checkbox is checked and that you’ve selected the proper Form Type and Document Type, and have checked the Add extra document fields box.

Smartwaiver form settings screen


You’ll see your new smart waiver in your list of documents in the RGP Waiver Management screen.





* Complete a few test smart waivers and ensure that the information from the waiver transfers properly to your RGP database. Try populating a customer record from the test waivers and make sure everything is set up correctly.*


Finally, click on the Publish Design to Live button.



You’re now ready to set up your Waiver Kiosk Station.


 Related Links:



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