Setting Up Waiver Kiosks with Smartwaiver


Once your RGP and Smartwaiver accounts are linked, you can set up your Kiosk Waiver Stations using the dedicated Smartwaiver app. The app restricts access on your iOS or Android device so that customers can view only your smart waiver.


Supported Devices

For the most current list of Smartwaiver-supported devices, please visit their support center at the links below.

Note: Though the above articles list Smartwaiver-supported devices, do not follow the Set-Up Instructions on that page.  Instead, follow the directions below.


Setting Up Smartwaiver on Your iOS or Android Device

  1. From your iPad or Android device, download the Smartwaiver Kiosk app for iOS or Android
  2. Open the app on your device and tap on the Sign In button. 
  3. The app will display instructions.  Due to the nature of Rock Gym Pro's integration with Smartwaiver, you will NOT follow the directions displayed in the app.  Instead, you will use the six-digit registration code displayed on the screen to register your Kiosk from your RGP account.
  4. In RGP, go to Data Entry → Manage → Waiver Management / Stations.
  5. Click on the Smartwaiver Integration button in the lower-left corner.
  6. Click on Manage Kiosks
  7. Click on Register New Kiosk
  8. Enter the six-digit code and fill in the three other fields
  9. Click on Register
  10. Select which forms you want to use- **Top Level Form List** is all of your digital documents or you can select One form.
  11. Select the Deliver to Location
  12. If you want to use the Auto-Photo Capture feature please read the note.

Please make sure to complete all actions from within RGP via Manage Kiosks. If you login to your Smartwaiver account and setup your Kiosks from within your Smartwaiver dashboard, your waivers will not be delivered properly. It is imperative you manage your Kiosks from within your RGP software.

*Important Next Step:  Close the Smartwaiver Kiosk app on your iPad by going to the home screen of the iPad (swipe up and close the app) and then double tap to open again. This will prevent your customers from being able to swipe down and close the app when in use.


Your device is set up!

If you have multiple devices, you will need to repeat this process for each Waiver Kiosk Station you’d like to set up. If you have more than one waiver or document that you’d like to present on separate Waiver Kiosk Waiver Stations, you can set up each station with its own document from the Manage Kiosks button.


 Related Links:



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