Setting the online gift card form options

The online gift card form can be customized to the unique needs of your facility, including the type of information you collect, the fixed amounts your offer, and form content.

  1. To get started, from the main calendar window click the Manage Schedule button. Click the Gift Cards button at the bottom of the Manage Schedule window to bring up the Online Gift Card Settings window.
  2. First, check the Online Gift Cards Enabled box to allow online gift cards in the system. Note that you must also have Stripe set up to process online credit card transactions to accept online gift card orders.
  3. You can now set the following options for your online gift card form:

    - Title Bar Text
    - Require the purchaser’s phone number
    - Require the purchaser’s address
    - Require the purchaser’s birthday, along with creating a message explaining why you require their birthday that displays on the form
    - Gift card amount specifics
    - Purchase form header content
    - Purchase form footer content
    - Purchase form terms and conditions content

  4. Click Close to finish.


Related Links
Creating fixed online gift card amounts
Allowing custom gift card amounts
Changing the online gift card form header
Changing the online gift card form footer
Changing the online gift card form terms and conditions

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