Setting Up a New User for the Help Center

This article walks you through how to set up a username and password for our Help Center. Creating a user allows you to view your current and past tickets, your contributions to our help center, and any content you are following in our help center. 


Requesting Credentials

  1. To request the information needed to create a user look to the top of the page. Click the dropdown button More and select Request New CredentialsStep_1.png
  2. You will be brought to the ticket form page. Click the dropdown button for "Please choose your issue below", and select Request Credentials for Help Center. Screen_Shot_2022-04-01_at_10.25.21_PM.png
  3. Fill out the required information and click Submit at the bottom of the page. 

Signing Up 

1. You will receive an email once you have submitted a ticket through the form in the Help Center. 

2. The email will contain a link. Click the link and enter your full name, and email address you would like to use for the new user you are creating. step_3.png

3. Click Sign-Up and a confirmation email will be sent to the email you just entered. step_4.png

Choosing a Password 

  1. You will receive one final confirmation email. Click the link that is provided to you in that email. 
  2. Enter your name and a password of your choosing that meets the requirements. set_password.png
  3. Click Set Password
  4. You will be directed to a Free Zendesk Trial. Please ignore this page and exit out of that browser tab. step_6_.png

Logging into the Help Center 

Note: Check your browser settings to ensure that "cookies ARE allowed" before proceeding. 

1. Go to

2. At the top of the page click Sign-In step_7.png

3. Enter your email and password, then click Sign-In. step_8_.png

4. Once logged in, your name should appear on the top left side of the screen. Click on the dropdown next to your name and you will be able to view your activities and profile. step_9_.png


Resetting your Password

  1. To reset your password, Click the dropdown button More and select Reset my password. 1a.png
  2. Enter your email address and click Submit 1b.png
  3. You will receive an email. Click on the link provided in the email. 3a.png
  4. Enter a new password of your choosing that meets the requirements and click Change Password 4a.png
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