v1.1.133932 - Released to RGP Cloud Week of 11/07/22

Update: 11/08/22 - Released in stages to ALL RGP Cloud Users. Will be available for all users soon.



  • Made changes to Stripe Custom Terminal integration to significantly decrease transaction time
  • Added Scan to Store credit card functionality for our Stripe integration in the UK and Australia
  • Made a change to allow refunds of Stripe payments on invoices that include credits/returns.
  • Improved UI on Waivers/Custom tab of RGP’s Settings
  • Added the Vendor filter to automatically scheduled reports. This filter was previously only available for reports generated manually
  • Added a Customer Query condition: Activity : Purchased Product X number of times to allow the search for customers who had purchased a product a certain number of times in a certain date range.
  • Added the ability to bulk import tagged customers into youth program groups via the tag actions available in Data Entry > Manage > Tags

  • Added 3 sub-permissions to the existing Refund Online Payments permission.
    Go to: Data Entry --> Manage --> Employees and Permissions --> Manage Roles and Permissions.

    The existing permission was created when Online Payments was the only payment processing option via Stripe. As a result, when POS and Billing payment processing was added via Stripe, this permission also granted the ability to refund those other types of payments. This update adds 3 separate permissions to grant more granular access to this functionality.

    The FOUR Permissions Include:

    1. Refund Point of Sale Stripe Payments
    This allows users to refund payments that were collected via RGP’s Point of Sale module.

    2. Refund Online Stripe Payments
    This allows users to refund online payments for things like online membership purchases, online gift card purchases, and online bookings.

    3. Refund Any Stripe Payments
    This is equivalent to the existing permission or to the combination of all 3 of the new permissions and allows the user to refund any payment processed via Stripe. All users who currently have the existing permission assigned, will also have this permission assigned after the update.

    4. Refund Billing Stripe Payments
    This allows users to refund payments that were collected via Stripe as a part of a billing action, initiated via Data Entry --> Manage --> Billing





Misc. Fixes

  • Hid payment integration settings for versions of the integration customers aren’t using - Fixed
  • RGP not recording some refunds issued via Stripe - Fixed
  • Users required to refresh the Membership Retention and Analysis Screen to see all data - Fixed
  • In very rare scenarios, customer records could unintentionally be deleted when un-assigning documents  - Fixed
  • Some auto-tagging rules used to remove tags, deleted additional unintended tags - Fixed
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