Recommended front counter workflow

Here’s a quick overview of how the front desk workflow operates at one facility to provide you with ideas on how to set up your workflow.


Computer/Station Layout

The facility has three front desk computers. Two computers are for retail transactions and member management and one computer is dedicated just to check-in.

The check-in computer screen faces staff but the barcode scanner faces the customer. Speakers connected to the check-in computer allow staff to hear the audible check-in alerts. The staff member does not interact with the check-in computer unless they need to look up a customer by name. The check-in computer is only running the Check-In application of Rock Gym Pro.

Only one retail computer has a cash drawer. Each retail computer has a receipt printer (though you can share one printer between multiple computers) as well as a POSX credit card reader. The XCharge integrated credit card processing is enabled so staff members just swipe cards into Rock Gym Pro.

Each retail computer is running both the Data Entry and POS applications of Rock Gym Pro and the staff member switches between the applications as required to complete a transaction. Both applications remain running all day and the staff members use the Windows task bar to switch between them.

Check In

When a member walks in, they scan their membership card in the barcode scanner connected to the dedicated check-in computer. If there are no alerts on the member’s account, an audible “click” is heard and the member keeps walking. If there are any alerts or warnings, a “Warning” sound is played which alerts the staff to the member and usually stops the member in their tracks. Some examples of warnings are past due balance, credit card expired, no waiver, etc.

Guest Customers- Paper waivers

New customers complete a waiver immediately. After the customer has finished completing the waiver, staff processes the sale but only enters the customer’s name into Rock Gym Pro (or looks them up if they already exist in the database).

By only entering the name at this time, customers are processed much more efficiently. All new waivers are placed into a special inbox, and when there is downtime at the gym staff members can go through the waiver inbox and finish transcribing all the information into each member’s record. The guests can optionally be checked into the Check In module.

Once the waivers are transcribed, they are transferred to another “to-be-scanned” box and scanned into Rock Gym Pro.

New Memberships/Punch Cards

New members complete a waiver and a membership form (EFT, Prepaid, Punch Card, etc.) using specific forms for each type of membership. Specific forms for each type of membership transaction (sign up, termination, freezing, and thawing etc) provide a paper trail and reduce mistakes.

Once the form is completed, the staff member completes the sale (collecting prepaid funds, prorated dues, etc.). Only the new member's name is entered into the member's record at this time. After the sale is completed, the new member is given a preprinted membership card and the barcode number is entered into the barcode field in the customer record. Additionally, the staff member enters the required membership information into the customer record (dues, dates, etc.) and captures a photo of the member.

Before the new member heads off into the gym, their card is scanned to confirm that everything looks correct. When there is downtime at the gym, the staff member finishes transcribing the waiver information.

All new membership forms are placed in a “to-be-scanned” box. Once they are digitally scanned and stored offsite (optional), the forms are placed in a manager's inbox, and it is the manager's job to review all the new membership forms and make sure the critical information was properly entered.

Mistakes happen, and although Rock Gym Pro prevents most data entry mistakes, it is still a good idea to have a manager review all the membership forms and reconcile the information in Rock Gym Pro.




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