Viewing the transactions for a booking

If you need to review the transaction history of a booking to figure out a billing issue you can do so from within the Manage Event window.

  1. From the main calendar window, double click on the specific event to bring up the Manage Event window.
  2. Select the customer and click the Transactions button to bring up the Apply Transactions window.
  3. In the Applied Transactions tab you can see all the transactions that are currently associated with the booking. If necessary, you can un-apply a transaction that was made in error.
  4. In the Other Transactions tab you can see additional transactions for this customer sortable by date, including any that have been un-applied. Here you re-apply a transaction that was canceled in error.
  5. When finished, click Close to exit the Apply Transactions window, and Close again to exit the Manage Event window.


Related Links
Removing a transaction from a booking
Reapplying a transaction to a booking

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