- Paperless waiver system : Details
- Share Punch button : Available on Check-In screen, must be enabled in Settings -> Customers -> Allow Casual Punch Sharing
- Punch Card tab stays visible for members allowing members to have punch balances. The punches can be used with the Share Punchbutton described above.
- Report improvements: Sales Report greatly improved with account/subaccount balances. Small improvements to inventory reports. New Inventory Adjustment report
- POS F1-F10 quick product keys : Assign them in Data Entry -> Manage -> Quick Buttons. Additional ALT key shortcuts. Press ALT in POS and look for the underlined letters – those are the shortcut keys. With the shortcut keys, many common transactions can now be processed entirely with the keyboard.
- Recent Check-In List when selecting customers at POS or Check In
- Option to hide barcode digits for security reasons
- Improved Status Change window : Data Entry -> View -> Status Changes
- Duplicate check-in sound removed, as it was causing confusion
- Annoying “Are you sure”? confirmation window when changing customer type has been removed
- Multigym Improvements : Gift cards can be transferred between locations. Remote customers can be selected for Guest Passes.
- First name check sensitivity (you have entered a possible first name in the last name field) option available in Data Entry -> Settings -> Misc
- Billing -> Credit now has Print Report option
- When making mass dues changes, customers with future dues are skipped
- Three month or longer prepaid members can now be frozen
- Staff members can now open the cash drawer from POS
- If you enter a PIN incorrectly, the field is reset so you can enter it again
- Numerous bug fixes
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