v1.0.47587 – Released 6/15/2013


  • An Alternate-Freeze-Fee is now available – including free freezes.  Available on the Status tab of a customer record, this new setting allows you to set a specific freeze rate for an individual customer.  This is particularly useful for free freezes (injuries, etc.)
  • Terminations Chart is split by Prepaid/EFT
  • Add-On products that are inactive will not be charged during billing.   This is useful if you have an add-on product such as Team Dues, and you don’t want to collect them for the summer months.  You can keep the add-on product assigned to the customers, but just make it inactive for the months you don’t want to charge that product
  • Prepaid members <3 months can now be frozen.  Your staff is warned, but they can proceed.  The primary purpose of this change was to allow free freezes for injuries (when combined with the alternate-freeze-fee above).
  • Receipts can be conveniently emailed at POS or in POS history
  • Z-Out edits/deletes are now recorded in the Audit History
  • Gift cards can now support letters and numbers
  • iPad waivers are now listed on the first (in-gym) tab in Find Documents
  • iPad and Online waivers are now kept for 60 days
  • When displaying the time clock report, the job-code list is now drawn from ALL gyms.  Previously, although the report was multigym, the list of job codes was only from the local gym
  • Photos are now transferred with members between gym
  • Staff can now put a note on their time clock record
  • Restock report now has a label for either RESTOCK/TRANSFER
  • New constraints – Has Alternate Freeze Fee
  • New constraints – Has Value (any) in Custom1 or Custom2 texts





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