V1.1.115464 – Released 10/5/16


Included in this update is a popular feature request:  Online Membership Change Request Form. Once set up in your account (Level 3 Premium Support required), the Change Request Form will allow your customers to request changes to their membership account directly from your website – changes like; updating contact and payment information, freezing and un-freezing an account and canceling a membership. Learn more about this feature and how to set it up.  

Other enhancements in this update include:

  • Invoicing  ‘To Account’ Changes
    – Managers are now provided a warning if a customer will exceed their spending limit with an on account purchase.
    – If a customer has an upcoming termination status scheduled for the next billing date, non-managers will be prevented from selling an item on account.
  • New ‘Customer Window’ Prompts 
    – When terminating a member, staff are now warned if the customer has a balance due. Your staff will still be able to proceed with the termination, but the new warning will allow them to follow facility procedures in collecting the balance.
    – Customers with a balance can now be frozen.
    – There’s a new setting in Manage -> Settings -> Billing that will prompt your staff to charge any past due balance after a member credit card is updated.  This prompt will only be shown once when closing the customer window after the payment update.
  • Email List Management
    – A new option has been added to allow the export of lastname and firstname along with the email addresses.
  • EMV Credit Card Processing Improvements
    – The button in the payment completion window to use the MOTO account for a POS transaction has been removed.  In its place are instructions for your staff on how to properly process a card-not-present transaction on the EMV device.(You can re-enable the MOTO button by going to Data Entry -> Settings -> Payments and Billing -> POS Gateway/XWeb -> Settings and enabling. However, we do not recommend as this makes bank reconciliations more cumbersome.)
  • New Options For Vendor List
    – You can now print your vendor list or save as a CSV





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