How to Use Packaged Products

Packaged Products allow you the ability to select one product at POS, but have multiple products added to the POS transaction.

An example:
A gym is offering a “Learn To Climb” gear package that includes shoes, harness, chalk bag and chalk ball.

To create this “Package“:

  • Go to: Data Entry –> Manage –> Products
  • Create a new Product for the Package
  • Select Other Intangible/Package product type



  • A new tab will appear in Edit Products called “Packaged Products”.
  • On that tab, you can add the associated sub-products to the Package.
  • Assign specific pricing to each sub-item as required to achieve your pricing, accounting, inventory margin, and sales tax goals when the package is sold.
  • At POS, the price for the Package is the sum of all the prices assigned to the package sub-items PLUS any price assigned to the Primary Package Product.



This allows:

  • Flexibility on how you want to account for the sale of the Package.
  • Proper margins to be calculated on inventory items.
  • Sales Tax to be collected and accounted for as required on each sub-item.

Items to Note:

  • If any sub-products require a size to be selected, the staff member will be prompted at POS.
  • Packages cannot be split/broken up/changed at POS.
  • Barcodes can be assigned and scanned at POS to the Primary Product.
  • Each individual Product, including the Base Product, retains its individual sales taxability.
  • Automatic discounts at POS can be optionally enabled or disabled on the sub-items in the package as well as the base price.  It might not make sense to have automatic discounts applied in all cases, hence the option.






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