Formatting Product Files for Import from Non-RGP Sources

If you have been using a program outside of Rock Gym Pro to manage your retail and inventory and would like to import it into RGP, we charge $150 per location (if the locations have different products) to manually convert your data into our required format.  You can avoid that fee, however, by formatting it yourself and then sending it to us. 

Formatting the Product Import

If you would like to try to format it yourself to avoid that fee, here is some information to get you started:

  • Provide the file as Tab Delimited Text File (more on that below)
  • Make the first row the column headers (see below for headers)
  • You cannot change the column headers later on in the document so those headers have to be the same in the entire document
  • One product per row following the header row
  • If a product comes in different sizes and/or colors, the individual combination of those sizes and/or colors is called a sub-item.  For instance, if you have a harness and it comes in red or blue in sizes S, M, & L, then you'd have one sub-item for the Small Red, another for the Medium Red, Large Red, Small Blue, Medium Blue, and Large Blue.  Each of those is a sub-item. So for your harness, there are actually 6 sub-items for that product.
  • Each sub-item needs its own row.  For example, Acme Shoe Size 7 is on one row and Acme Shoe Size 8 is on a separate row.

Product Import Column Headers

Here is the list of column headers that should go on the first row, in this order:



















Here is a more detailed breakdown of those headers:

  • Vendor - This is from whom you purchase the product or the maker of the product.  
  • Barcode - If the item has a barcode, enter the barcode number in this column. 
  • Description (REQUIRED) - This is what the item is called.  
  • GroupName - If your item has subitems, such as different shoe sizes, shirt sizes, colors, etc., the line for each of the sub-items will need to have the same value from the Description in the GroupName column.  If your item does not have sub-items, you will leave this column blank.
  • Color - If this is a sub-item in a particular color, list the color here.
  • Size - If this is a sub-item in a particular size, list the size here.
  • Price (REQUIRED) - How much you sell the product for.
  • Cost - How much it costs you to purchase the product from the vendor
  • Onhand - This is how many you have in stock at this moment, if applicable
  • Type (REQUIRED) - Your two choices are IGROUP or ISINGLE.  If this is a single item, the type will be ISINGLE.  If this is a sub-item, the type will be IGROUP
  • DispCategory (REQUIRED) - This determines the product category tab the product will display in POS
  • Account (REQUIRED) - You can choose to use a different account internally or put the same answer that you had for the DispCategory.
  • SubAccount - You can add a sub-account if applicable, such as separating kid shoes from adult shoes or harnesses from shoes, etc.
  • TaxRate (REQUIRED IF IT IS TAXABLE) - This is the existing tax rate's tax code that you have in your database that applies to this particular product.  This will require you to create the sales tax item if you haven't done it already.  It will not import if you put a Tax rate in the product import but the tax item doesn't exist in your database. 
  • ReorderPt - Minimum quantity of product On Hand allowed
  • CaseQty - Quantity of product in one case or how many you have to order at a time
  • ReorderMax - Maximum quantity of product On Hand allowed

Note: if it doesn't say "REQUIRED", it can be left blank, but if you have the information, you should include it.  You will not be able to do another import to update your existing import.

Here is an example of an individual product that has no variations (ISINGLE) and a sub-item that is one of many different sizes and colors (IGROUP).

product import example.jpg

Opening and Saving the Tab Delimited Text File


In Microsoft Excel

Opening the File

At the bottom of this article is a link to download an example of a retail product import file with example products and sub-items.  The file is saved as a Tab Delimited Text file or Text (Tab Delmited) file.  By default, it will try to open in a program like notepad, but if you have Microsoft Excel, you can open the file in Excel. To do so, go to Microsoft Excel, click Open, and navigate to the saved text file. The Text Import Wizard will pop up.  In the first step, make sure the Delimited option is selected as the Original Data Type and check the box indicating that the data has headers. Then click next.

On the next step, choose Tab as the Delimiter and then click Next.

On the next step, choose General and then click Finish.

Saving the File

To save an Excel spreadsheet as a Tab Delimited Text File, go to File > Save As and choose Text (Tab Delimited) (*.txt) from the drop-down menu. Give it a name and then click Save.

In Google Sheets

Opening the File

If you do not have access to Microsoft Excel, you can open a Tab Delimited Text File in Google Sheets.  To do so, open a new sheet and go to File > Import.  Click Upload and then navigate to your saved file.  A window will pop up.  Choose where you want to import that file and choose Tab as the separator type.  Check the "Convert text..." box.  Then click Import Data

Saving the File

To save a Google Sheet as a Tab Delimited Text File, from the File menu, select Download as then select Tab-separated values (.tsv, current sheet). This will download the currently selected sheet as a tab-separated .TSV file, inheriting the name of your spreadsheet. Go to your Downloads folder and right click on the file.  Then choose the Rename icon.

Name your file and change the .tsv part of the name to .txt.

A warning may pop up saying that changing the file name extension might make the file unusable.  You can click Yes to change it.

It should now be saved as a Tab Delimited Text File. 


Sending the File

Send the file to  So long as we don't have to go back and forth to discuss changes or format issues, there will not be a charge for importing your products.  

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