Express Online Booking

As part of the March, 2017 RGP Update, we’ve added an Express Online Booking Profile feature for your customers. If you’re using the RGP Online Booking feature, you’ll notice a link at the top of your booking widgets.



When clicked, your customers will now be able to create an Express Online Booking Profile which will allow them to store their name, contact information and additional participant names.



Customers can then log in with their Username and Password to reserve online classes and events with just a few clicks.

The primary goal of this feature (in its current build) is to provide a faster and mobile friendly booking experience for repeat events like fitness and yoga classes.

At this time these customer profiles will not be linked to RGP membership accounts (this will be a future enhancement).

To view/change the settings in your Online Customer Portal, from Data Entry go to: Manage –> Online Customer Profiles – Configuration





Express Online Booking Profile Q&A

How do I change the color of the Express Online Booking Profile feature?
The color scheme is taken directly from your booking widget settings.

What is my personal login?
Your personal login is the same as your Mobile Dashboard as it uses the same account.

Will customers still need to complete required custom questions?
Regardless of whether a participant has logged in with their Express Online Booking Profile or not, required custom questions on your online form will still need to be answered. We suggest that you review your frequently booked items and remove any unnecessary custom questions.

Is this a mobile app?
Not yet. While this feature was designed to work smoothly on mobile devices, it is merely the foundation for a new RGP mobile app we’ll be working on for a future release.

Can customers store credit card information in their profile?
Yes! This feature is enabled by default. To disable, see below.

How do I disable the Express Online Booking Profile feature?
To disable the Online Profile feature as well as the ability to store credit card information on a customer profile, from Data Entry go to: Manage –> Online Customer Profiles – Configuration



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