V1.1.127897 - Release 03/13/18

Details on the updates listed below can be found in this Announcement.



  1. Flexible Customer Atributes
  2. Auto Class Check-In
  3. Retail Improvements, Including - GridEditing and Extended and Customizable Product Filter for Reporting
  4. Online Event Display - Availability Display Option



  1. New Search/filter box under Manage ---> Employees
  2. New option to show or hide check-in count total
  3. New option to print or export Booking Change History
  4. New Copy to Clipboard button
  5. New Vendor Column added to the Sales Summary Grid
  6. New Employee column added to the New/Changed Membership Report.
  7. New Product Merge and Purge tool that allows you to move the sales history of an existing product over to another product and then purge that original product
  8. Audit Log:  Moving of invoices is now logged in the Audit Log
  9. “{wheretag}” now supported in Custom Reports
  10. Filters can now be applied to Product Exports
  11. Multigym environments can now export a complete list of products across all gyms from one location


Bug Fixes

  • Partial payments - OpenEdge had a bug in their documentation that resulted in Partial Payments being accepted by the gateway.   Fixed
  • Check-in detail field in database truncated long messages. Fixed
  • POS allowed items to be edited by double-clicking on them, even if the items should not be editable.  Fixed.
  • When a cancellation email was sent for a cancelled event in the past, the wrong email address could appear. Fixed


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