Details on the updates listed below can be found in this Announcement.
- Flexible Customer Atributes
- Auto Class Check-In
- Retail Improvements, Including - GridEditing and Extended and Customizable Product Filter for Reporting
- Online Event Display - Availability Display Option
- New Search/filter box under Manage ---> Employees
- New option to show or hide check-in count total
- New option to print or export Booking Change History
- New Copy to Clipboard button
- New Vendor Column added to the Sales Summary Grid
- New Employee column added to the New/Changed Membership Report.
- New Product Merge and Purge tool that allows you to move the sales history of an existing product over to another product and then purge that original product
- Audit Log: Moving of invoices is now logged in the Audit Log
- “{wheretag}” now supported in Custom Reports
- Filters can now be applied to Product Exports
- Multigym environments can now export a complete list of products across all gyms from one location
Bug Fixes
- Partial payments - OpenEdge had a bug in their documentation that resulted in Partial Payments being accepted by the gateway. Fixed
- Check-in detail field in database truncated long messages. Fixed
- POS allowed items to be edited by double-clicking on them, even if the items should not be editable. Fixed.
- When a cancellation email was sent for a cancelled event in the past, the wrong email address could appear. Fixed.
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