Issuing a credit to a customer’s account

If you need to issue a credit for any reason you can easily do so in the Customer Account window.

  1. To access the Customer Account window, find the customer in either the Data Entry or POS window and click the Invoice & Payments button.
  2. Click the Issue Credit button. You can only issue a credit here if you have a Billing Relationship with the customer.
  3. In the pop up window, enter the credit amount.
  4. The default product is the Credit product; if you wish to use a different product, click Change and choose the new product. You can then either choose to assign the quantity as 1 x -$xx or -1 x $xx.  

  5. Click OK to create the credit.
  6. The credit is now issued to the customer’s account. You can either keep the credit on their account for a future purchase or issue a refund.
  7. Click Close to finish.



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