- Mock/Simulated Billing with a nonintegrated Processor
- What is ACH Authorization? (U.S. Customers Only)
- RGP Membership Billing Lifecycle
- Automated Billing Available for RGP Cloud Users Only
- Automated Billing Overview
- What is Billing Launch?
- Apply a Gift Card as Credit
- ACH Billing Event-Settlement Pending
- Options for a non-member paying for a member
- Setting up an invoice to be paid later
- Billing an add-on product to a prepaid member
- Refunding monthly recurring EFT invoices and payments processed by Stripe
- Terminating a customer through the Billing Center
- Tagging a past due account needing new billing information
- Adding a late fee through the Billing Center window
- Billing ACH accounts
- Reviewing billing events
- Reviewing credit due balances
- Viewing unbillable balances
- Creating a balance due report
- Billing ACH customers
- Posting dues
- Reviewing past due balances
- Reviewing a customer’s membership links
- Printing a customer’s payment history
- Printing a previous payment receipt
- Changing a payment date in a customer’s account
- Marking a payment as declined
- Voiding a customer’s payment
- Entering a payment on an open invoice