ACH Billing Event-Settlement Pending

After transmitting your ACH batch to ACHWorks, you will need to open up the billing payment window and navigate to the ACH Responses tab. Check the box to Automatically download ACH responses as part of daily maintenance. Then put emails in of employees who should receive notification of an ACH Response. 


Sometimes a billing submission will indefinitely remain with the status of "Submitted", instead of receiving the expected response from ACHWorks and changing to "Completed". This is often due to:

  1. (2) ACH batches were transmitted on the same day, and the (2) responses from ACHWorks are batched together as (1); RGP is looking for (2) responses and thus can not process the (1) single batched response. (Most common)
  2. Certain types of declines (not common)

When you open the billing center window, RGP will have a popup message in Billing that clearly states: At least one settlement amount was not matched to a pending billing event. Please manually update the appropriate billing event's status to COMPLETED on the Billing Events tab of this window.

As the submitted response does not match with the actual deposit, you will have to manually edit the event to Completed. Then at this time, the payment will post to your Z-Out, based on the date you selected as the Payment Settlement Date.

Billing software interface with edit event popup.


Then look at the ACH Responses tab, and select Returns- fill in a date range--this will list the returned/declined member, along with the reason why. These ACH Member's invoices will be marked as unpaid and they will receive the billing declined automatic email (if enabled in your database). These declined ACH Members will also have a past due balance alert on check-in. 


As part of the declined ACH return, RGP will automatically change declined ACH Member's EFT/Billing settings set to Exclude from Billing. 


Since ACH payments typically have hefty overdraft fees this setting prevents you from attempting a bank account multiple times resulting in excessive banking fees for your customer.


When you speak to the member and they confirm it's okay to reattempt the ACH payment to the bank account on file you will go in and manually uncheck the Exclude from Billing box on their customer profile. Then you can attempt to retransmit the unpaid balance to ACHWorks.


If the customer provides a new bank account you may need to Authorize the ACH account before attempting the payment again. Please look at this support article for ACH Authorization for more details on this process.  






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