By using tabs, you can create multiple categories within a single widget, allowing you to potentially share your entire list of offerings in an organized, logical way. To create tabs, you need to organize your offerings within categories. Here’s how to create tabs in a widget.
- On the main calendar window click Manage Schedule.
- At the bottom of the window click Online Widgets to open the Manage Booking and Calendar Widgets window.
- Click the Add Catalog Widget button. Enter a name for the new widget when prompted.
- Add a category by clicking the Add button under the Categories field.
- Once you’ve created a category click the Add button under the Offerings in Category field to add offerings to that category. Use the arrow buttons to change the order of offerings.
Click the Add Catalog Widget button again to create a new tab. Give it a name and add offerings to it as applicable. Repeat this step to build out your category tabs. To reorganize your category tabs use the arrow buttons to change their order.
Click OK to finish editing the widget. In the Manage Booking and Calendar Widgets window you will now be able to preview your widget and copy the widget code for your website.
- Click Close to finish.
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