Overview of customer reports

The Rock Gym Pro reporting function allows you to run a variety of customer reports. Here is an overview of the standard customer report options.

  1. In the Data Entry main window click Reporting and then select General Reports to open the Reporting window.
  2. Under the Standard Reports tabs, choose from one of the following inventory reports:
  • Gift Cards Balances: This report will only show gift cards with positive balances.
  • Guest Passes Used: This report will display how many customers checked in using a guest pass.
  • Dues- Breakdown By Month: This report will display the dues amount and quantity by each month selected.
  • Customers- New/Changed Memberships: This report lists all customers who became customers, had their status changed from terminated to OK, had dues changes or had their prepaid expiration dates modified during the date range.
  • Customers- Membership Sales Links at POS: This report displays sales linked to a different customer than the one who received the product, such as a parent paying for a youth membership.
  • Customers- Notes: This report displays any notes placed on customer accounts during a date range.
  • Customers- Punches Remaining: This report displays a list of all customers with punches remaining on their punch card, and how many punches they have left.
  • Customers- Duplicate Billing Info: This report displays any customers with duplicate billing information. For credit cards only the card type, last four digits and expiration dates can be checked.
  • Customers- Zip/Postal Counts: This report allows you to see where new customers are coming from. Click Generate Report and then choose if you wish to limit the report to active or frozen members, have a minimum count for a postal code to be included, and what country format you use. Blank zip codes will be excluded from this report.
  • Check In- Total Check In Count: This report will display how many check ins you received for each day in your date range and provide a total count over the range.
  • Check In- Visit Count By Customer: This report will display the amount of visits each customer has made within the date range.
  • Tags- Customer Count and Sales: This report will display what sources new customers were tagged with within a date range. It will also calculate the amount of sales attributed to that source.
  • Select the date range if applicable.
  • Click the Generate Report button.
  • Your report will open up in a new window. You can now print, email, open the report in Word or Excel, or save it as a HTML or CSV file.
  • Click Close to close the report, and Close again to exit the Reporting window.



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