V1.1.109009 – Released 1/18/2016


Manage ->View -> Document List : New feature that allows the bulk import of existing documents (such as a folder full of PDFs) that can then be bulk classified.



Email Calendar Waitlist Customers :  New buttons to email specific or all waitlist customers for an event



Customer Notes :  New setting to “Always show customer notes at POS”... this will behave similarly to the “Always show notes at Check-In”.   With this setting enabled, notes on a customer will always be displayed when the customer is selected at POS (even for non-alerted notes)



ACHWorks:  minor modification to communication parameters with ACHWorks

Youth Program Groups:  Participants added to the waitlist will include a timestamp in the date column.  This is useful if two customers are added to the waitlist on the same day, you will be able to know who was added first and thus has a higher priority to be added to the group.



Customer Photo - Click To Expand :  Anywhere a member/customer photo is displayed, you can now click on the photo to show an expanded popup of the member.  The same resolution image is used, so the photo can be blurry when expanded, but it should be sufficient to use as identification.  This was added to support that small screen sizes of new Windows devices such as the Surface where the normal photo is a bit small to see.



Customer Document via Webcam Capture : You can now use the webcam to capture a customer document.  This can be used to capture driver’s license and other identification cards to be stored along with the customer record.   You can find this option in Data Entry -> [search for a customer] -> Documents



Front Counter/POS :  Total + Tendered amount is now displayed along with the change.  This is to allow the staff to count back the change + total to reduce cash errors.



FIX:  When setting up OpenEdge settings, trailing spaces were not removed from the Auth Key text box, and this resulted in confusion when people cut-and-pasted their settings and included an extra space/


FIX:  In certain situations, staff “new booking” emails were not being sent from within the Manage Event window.  All customer confirmations were being sent, just staff “new booking” emails were skipped.  This happened when the staff member elected to manually send an email confirmation to the customer before closing the window.

FIX:  When relocating bookings to a different event, warnings such as booking too close to the event, or maximum participant counts, were not communicated properly to staff members.   Now all warnings appear when relocating a booking to a new event.  



FIX : Punch Card Expiration Logic - there was a bug in punch card expiration logic that resulted in the newer punches being “used” first if a customer purchased new punches before finishing their previous.  This has been fixed


Reporting -> General Reports -> Sales - All Products  - this report now has the option to report based on invoice or payment date.  There was consistent confusion as to why this report didn’t match the z-out or journal entry reports.   It did not match because this report was by invoice date, and the z-out and journal entry reports were by payment dates.  The new option allows the Sales - All Products report to be based on payment date to match the other reports.



Google Analytics - You can now place your Google Analytics tracking ID into Calendar -> Manage Schedule -> Settings and the Google Analytics code will be added to your RGP widgets.   In the future, the ecommerce tracking capabilities of Google Analytics will also be added.



Manage -> Maintenance -> Backup and Restore :  New option to use an alternate transfer method for those facilities who have connection issues directly to our data centers.



Customer Photo - Offsite Storage:   Customer photos captured via the webcam are now automatically transferred and stored securely offsite.   Photos that have not been accessed within 6 months will be removed from the local database (but safely stored offsite).  If the photo is accessed again, it will immediately be downloaded to stored in the local database again.  The goal of this addition is to minimize the storage (and backup) requirements for your local MySQL database.





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