v1.1.134201 - Released to Cloud Users the Week of 10/16/23

What's in this release? 

Major Changes

  • We've added On-Screen Terminal Tipping for Stripe Custom users with integrated payment terminals. You now have the option to prompt for and collect tips directly on your payment terminals as a part of POS transactions. Read our support article to learn more.

Misc. Updates and Fixes

  • Fixed a bug causing the Customer Query Condition “Events – Booked/Participated in X number of times” to double count events when a customer was both a participant and the person who made the booking.
  • Fixed an issue preventing the download of some online gift card purchases.
  • Fixed an issue causing receipts for some OpenEdge credit card transactions to print two signature lines.
  • Various improvements to resolve “deadlock” messages reported by customers.
  • Fixed an issue preventing refunds for some Canadian Interac payments.
  • Fixed an issue that created payment errors for some Australian EFTPOS cards co branded as Mastercard or Visa.
  • Added alert to make it clear when it is necessary to collect new ACH payment data in order to transfer some older customer records.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented billing certain customers if no country was specified in their customer record.
  • Fixed an issue preventing the collection of past-due balances at remote locations using stored payment information for some customers.
  • Fixed minor typos (we've been accidentally capitalizing the i in iCal feed for years).
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