Assigning a new customer to a booking

Sometimes the specific customer who booked an event will want to change the booking to be under someone else’s name. In that case you’ll want to assign a different customer to the booking.

  1. From the main calendar window, double click on the specific event to bring up the Manage Event window.
  2. Click on the Booking tab and select the booking you would like to change.
  3. In the booking information window on the right, click the More drop-down button and select Assign different booking customer.
  4. Enter the name of the new booking customer you would like to assign and press OK. A dialogue box will ask you to confirm the new customer. Click Yes. They are now the new customer responsible for the booking.

If the new customer is also going to be a participant, double-click on the booking to bring up the Manage Participants window and check the Booking customer is a participant box.




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