Scanning a document for an individual participant’s account

Here’s how to scan a document one at a time and assign it to the specific participant.

  1. To access the Customer Documents window, find the customer in the Data Entry window and click the Documents button.
  2. Put the document in the scanner and click the Add Scan button.
  3. Adjust the scan settings if necessary. Check the Auto-document Feeder box if you have a multiple page document. Check the Duplex Mode box for a double-sided document. Click the Scanning Source box to select the scanner if necessary.
  4. Click the Scan button to scan the document. Once the document is scanned click OK.
  5. Select the document type and add any helpful notes from the document like medical information that you want to show up in the customer’s profile. Click OK. The document will now transfer to the remote server.
  6. Click Close to finish.



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