Using a customer query to create a contact list report

You can use the customer query function to quickly build a targeted contact list of customers. This is useful for everything from creating a list of customers with upcoming birthdays to customers with only one punch left on their pass to dozens of other useful audience slices.

  1. In the Data Entry main window click Reporting and then select Customer Queries to open the Customer Queries window.
  2. Under Constraints select the data you wish to search by. You can search by multiple constraints.
  3. Select the parameters for each constraint selected.
  4. Click the Review Query button to run the report.
  5. Under Save Results, click Create Contact List Report.
  6. The list will create a report with member names, phone numbers, email addresses, membership types and status, birthdays, last date visited and notes.
  7. You can now print, email, or open the report in Word or Excel. You can also save it as a HTML or CSV file.
  8. Click Close to exit the report, and Close again to exit the Customer Queries window.




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