In Customer Queries, there is an option to include a “placeholder” customer record. Checking the box shown below allows remote customers to be included in your query result reports.
An Example:
By default, Customer Queries only return customers whose Home Gym is the gym where the query is being run. A query generated at Location A will only return customers whose Home Gym is Location A. A query generated at Location B will only return customers whose Home Gym is Location B. If you run a query at Gym A for customers who bought a product, customers whose Home Gym is Gym B will not be shown, even if they bought that product at Gym A.
Selecting the option to "Include inactive, placeholder (archived) customer records" means that running that same query at Location A will return all customers who bought that product at Location A, including customers from both Location A and Location B. This is useful for managers that want to generate an email or contact list and need a count of ALL customers that purchased a product or made a booking from a specific facility.
Important to Note: These placeholder customer records are classified as guest records, therefore membership information and the member's home gym location is not shown.
The records include the following information only:
- Customer Names
- Birthday
- Mailing Address
- Email Address
Also, please be aware that with this option selected, you will be unable to open the customer list in Data Entry, add Bulk Notes, or add Bulk Tags.
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