Tracking a Groupon or other promotional voucher purchase

If you offer a Groupon deal or other similar promotional voucher, you may want to track how many of those customer converted into members to measure ROI. Here is how we suggest tracking these promotions.

  1. Create a specific product for the promotion. For example, if your offer is a one month pass and you are holding this promotion through the month of June call it “Groupon One Month Pass June”. Make this product worth $0 (since the customer already paid for it through Groupon).
  2. When the customer comes in to redeem their voucher, sell the product you created.
  3. After the promotion, use a Customer Query to run a report tracking just that product. To do so, in the Data Entry main window click Reporting and then select Customer Queries to open the Customer Queries window.
  4. Under Constraints select Activity: Purchased Products. Under Parameters choose the product. You can also add a date range if you wish.
  5. Click the Review Query button to run the report.
  6. You can then load these customers into Data Entry to see how many people who bought this product are now active members.
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