Saving a customer query email list to a text file

You can use customer queries to look up a group of customers and then create a text list with their emails. This will create a .txt file with just email addresses, suitable for importing into an email list.

  1. In the Data Entry main window click Reporting and then select Customer Queries to open the Customer Queries window.
  2. Under Constraints select the data you wish to search by. You can search by multiple constraints.
  3. Select the parameters for each constraint selected.
  4. Click the Review Query button to run the report.
  5. Under Save Results, click Save Email List Text File.
  6. Select if you want to remove duplicate addresses.
  7. Select a location to save the file and click Save. This will create a text file you can then import into your email management platform.
  8. Click Close to exit the Customer Queries window.




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