Adding an iCal feed

In addition to offerings, you can also add iCal feeds to your calendar. This is a great way to keep track of holidays, employee schedules and other things that have their own calendar feeds.

  1. To set up an iCal feed, click the Manage Schedules button on the main calendar window.
  2. Select the Schedules tab. With a top level category selected, click the Add button and select Add iCal feed.

  3. This will bring up the iCal Feed Properties window. Here you can:

    - Add a title for your feed
    - Enter the feed URL and test
    - Set how often the feed updates
    Change the color of how the feed displays on the calendar
    - Filter a feed for keywords
    - Set the calendar to bold items from the feed
    - Set the background color of bolded items from the feed

  4. Click Close to finish.


Related Links
Changing the display color of an iCal feed on the calendar

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