Printing out a youth program group roster

Oftentimes it’s easier to print out a roster and check in students by pen, updating the system later. Here’s how to print out a roster; before you do, you may want to configure your printed roster to show only the columns you need to keep it from getting too cluttered.

  1. In the Data Entry main window, click View and select Youth Program Groups to bring up the Youth Program Groups window.
  2. Click the Print Roster button.
  3. This will create a report based on your printed roster configuration. You can now print, email, open the report in Word or Excel, or save it as a HTML or CSV file.
  4. If you click the Print Preview & Print button you can adjust your print settings. For best results, print in Landscape mode, select shrink to fit, and widen the margins in the page setup.
  5. Click the printer icon to print.
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