Spending limits for on-account purchases

On-account sales can be placed on any customer account with billing details, including Guests that choose to have billing information on file. 

Creating a default account spending limit 

If you wish to give your customers the option to purchase items “on account” you can set a default spending limit. They will then be able to charge their account up until they reach the maximum balance.

  1. In the Data Entry main window click Manage and select Spending Limits to open the Member Spending Limits window.
  2. Enter a number in the Default Spending Limits for Members field. If you enter $0 only managers will be able to sell items on account.
  3. Click OK to finish.


Creating customer-specific spending limits

If you have a customer that requires a higher spending limit or one you wish to restrict from being able to spend on account, you can override the default limit for that individual member.

  1. In the Data Entry main window click Manage and select Spending Limits to open the Member Spending Limits window.
  2. Click the Add button and select a member. Click OK.
  3. In the Member Specific Spending Limit pop-up window select Custom Spending Limit and enter their new number. If you wish to restrict the member select Not allowed to purchase items on account. Click OK to save.
  4. The spending limit for that member will now be displayed in the Member "On Account" Spending Limits window.
  5. Click OK to finish.


Deleting or clearing customer spending limits

If you have created spending limits for specific customers that you wish to remove. you can delete them on a customer-specific basis. Alternatively, if you are changing your spending limit policy you can also clear customer spending limits for all members all at once.

  1. In the Data Entry main window click Manage and select Spending Limits to open the Member Spending Limits window.
  2. To delete the spending limit for a specific member select the member’s name and click the Del button.
  3. To clear spending for all members click the Clear All Member Specific Limits button. Click Yes to confirm, and then Yes again. Note that this action can’t be undone.
  4. Click OK to finish.



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