Setting Guest Pass Restrictions for Guests

If you offer guest passes at your facility, you have two options for limiting how frequently guests are allowed to use the guest passes shared with them by members.

  1. In the Data Entry main window click Manage and select Settings to bring up the Configure Settings window.
  2. Click the Memberships tab.
  3. Under Guest Passes you can choose one of two options from the drop down menu labeled Guests can use another pass after
    1. One Month:
      If you choose this option, guests will be able to use a guest pass once every 30 days. So a customer who used a guest pass to check in on March 31st would be able to use another one on or after April 30th.
    2.  The First of the Month:
      If you choose this option, guests will be able to use a guest pass on or after the 1st of the next calendar month. So a customer who used a guest pass to check in on March 31st would be able to use another one on or after April 1st.

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