Enabling the Email System Test Mode

Before you start sending emails out to your members you’ll want to test them first. In Test Mode, only emails sent to the test mode email address will be sent. All others will be ignored. Here’s how to enable the email system test mode:

  1. In the Data Entry main window, click Manage and select Email System.
  2. Click the Settings button.
  3. Check the Test Mode Enabled box and enter the test mode email address.
  4. To test the test mode, click the Send Single Test Email button.
  5. You are now ready to send a test email.
  6. Click Close to save the settings, and Close again to exit the Email System.


NOTE: Even if the test mode is disabled, you must have an email address listed in the test mode email address field for your settings to be properly configured.


Related Links
Sending a test email

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