Overview on creating an offering

In the Calendar each promotion, class, camp and event you create is called an offering. Each offering can be defined by date and time availability, limitations and prices. This article provides an overview of your options for creating an offering.

To get started, let’s create the offering itself:

  1. On the main calendar window click Manage Schedule.
  2. Click on the Schedules tab.
  3. If this is your first offering, click the Add button and select Add top level category.
  4. Once you have a top level category, click the Add button and select Add Offering. Give the offering a title and click OK.

Offering options include:

Days and Times

Once the offering is created the first thing you will want to do is define the days and times the offering is available. Offerings like birthday parties may be available any time the gym is open, while a class might only be available once a month.


You can define the default duration of an offering define the default duration of an offering so that it automatically reserves the right amount of time on the calendar.


If an offering requires the use of a resource like a party room, you can assign that resource to the offering. This will schedule both the event and the resource, ensuring you don’t double book a space for two different events.


If an offering like a class requires instructors you can define the number of staff required, assign specific staff as the default instructor and have the system email that staff member when a new booking is confirmed.

Pricing and Deposits

For offerings with a price you can define the cost to book the event. You can also set rules for pricing to allow you to offer different rates for different times or participant types. You can also set up deposit requirements.

Number of participants and bookings

For classes and events that have a limited space you can set the number of participants and bookings that will be able to be booked into an event.

Participant types

You can limit an offering to be available to only certain participant types, such as members.

Booking time constraints

For events that require set up or staffing you can cut off the time online bookings are accepted so you don’t get surprised by a last-minute booking.

Custom questions

You can create a list of custom questions for both creating a booking and for each participant to answer to help you ensure participants have waivers, are above a certain age, etc.

Online presentation

If the offering is available to book online you can set up titles, descriptions, and rules for making an online booking.

Terms and conditions

In addition to your standard terms and conditions, you can set specific terms and conditions for each offering.


In addition to the default email messages you create in the Calendar settings you can created automated emails for confirmation messages, reminders and thank you emails unique to each specific offering.


Related Links
Defining the schedule and availability for an offering
Setting the duration of an offering
Assigning a resource to an offering
Assigning instructors to an offering
Setting the number of participants and bookings for an offering
Setting participant types for an offering
Setting online booking time constraints
Creating custom questions in an offering for a booking
Creating custom questions in an offering for a participant
Assigning pricing to an offering
Requiring a deposit for an offering
Changing the online presentation for an offering
Adding terms and conditions for a specific offering
Adding and editing a confirmation email for a specific offering
Adding and editing automated reminder emails for a specific offering
Adding and editing automated thank you emails for a specific offering

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