Using rules to restrict the days an offering is available

When building an offering you may have regular days that conflict with the usual schedule. For example, perhaps you have a birthday party offering that is available every weekend, but on the first Saturday of the month the facility has an event that would make parties impossible to hold that day. You can set a rule to exclude that day each month, saving you the hassle of having to manually exclude it each month.

  1. On the main calendar window click Manage Schedule.
  2. Click on the Schedules tab.
  3. With the offering selected, click the Add Rule button to bring up the Edit Repeating Rule window. Create the default schedule rule and then Click OK.
  4. Next, click Add Time and select the starting time and duration of the offering. Click OK.
  5. Now, click the Add Rule button again to create the exclusion rule. You can use this to omit a recurring day, date or week of the month.
  • For example, using our scenario above we would check Nth Week of the Month and select Sat and Week 1.
  • Click OK. This will create a rule with no time slots.
  • Use the arrow button to place this rule at the top. This will override the lower rule with the default schedule, making the first Saturday of each month unavailable to book.
  • Click Close to finish.


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