Creating a fixed price promotional discount

Whether it’s $10 off a punch pass or a 25% discount for new members, it’s easy to set up promotional discounts as either a fixed-price or percentage discount.

  1. On the main calendar window click Manage Schedule.
  2. At the bottom of the screen click the Promotions button to bring up the Promotions window.
  3. Select the promotion you wish to add a code for and click the Edit button. This will bring up the Edit Promotion window.
  4. Select the Properties tab.
  5. Under Discount Details, choose which kind of discount you wish to offer by entering either a percentage figure in Percent Discount or a dollar figure in Fixed Discount. Note that you can enter both a fixed-price and percentage discount (for example, $10 off + 30% discount off original price). You can also select to apply the fixed discount by participant for bookings like birthday parties.
  6. If you wish, you can set a minimum amount required for a promotion to be available (for example, $10 off if you spend $100 or more).
  7. You can also limit the maximum discount amount here.
  8. Click OK to finish.



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