Creating custom course schedules for holidays

During the holidays you may want to adjust your normal course schedule to reflect your holiday hours. There are two ways to do this, depending on if the holiday falls on the same day each year like New Year’s Day or if the date changes each year like Labor Day.

For holidays that fall on the same day each year you can create a recurring rule:

  1. On the main calendar window click Manage Schedule.
  2. Click on the Schedules tab.
  3. Select the offering you would like to create a holiday time slot for and click Add Rule.
  4. Select Yearly and enter the starting date. Do not enter an end date. This will now repeat the rule once a year on this date. Click OK to save the rule.

  5. With the rule selected click the Add Time button. This will bring up the Edit Time Slot window. Enter the start time and duration. Click OK to save.
  6. Use the Up Arrow button to place this rule at the top, giving it priority over the normal time slot rules.
  7. Click Close to finish. The Repeat Rules window should show the following rule:

For holidays that fall on a different date each year you will need to add a fixed event to the date with the special time slot while excluding the original time slot for that date.

  1. On the main calendar window click Manage Schedule.
  2. Click on the Schedules tab.
  3. First let’s add the new time slot to the calendar. With the offering selected double click on the day you wish to add your holiday hours. This will bring up the Edit Time Slot window. Enter the start time and duration. Click OK to save.
  4. The next thing we need to do is to exclude the original time slot for this date only. Right click on the original time slot and select Exclude This Instance.

  5. Click Close to finish.



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