For some offerings it might make sense to offer lower rates on the weekdays to get more people in the door. By using price rules you can offer different prices for the same offering. In this example we’ll create a weekday price and a weekend price.
- On the main calendar window click Manage Schedule.
- Click on the Schedules tab.
- Click on the offering you would like to create price rules for and click the Edit button. This will bring up the Edit Offering window.
- In the Edit Offering window click the Pricing tab.
- Check Offering has a price attached to open the pricing options display.
- Select the booking product you wish to use.
First let’s create the weekday rule. Under Pricing Rules click the Add button. Give the rule a name and click OK to bring up the Pricing Rule window. Enter the price as normal in the Pricing for this rule tab. Click the Rule applicability dates/days of the week and check Specific dates, days of week or times for the event. Click Select to bring up the Date/Time Availability window and check Some Days of Week. Select Monday-Friday and click OK. Click OK again to save this rule and go back to the Edit Offering window.
- Next let’s create the weekend rule. Under Pricing Rules click the Add button again to create a new rule. Give the rule a name and click OK to bring up the Pricing Rule window. Enter the price as normal in the Pricing for this rule tab. Click the Rule applicability dates/days of the week and check Specific dates, days of week or times for the event. Click Select to bring up the Date/Time Availability window and check Some Days of Week. Select Saturday and Sunday and click OK. Click OK again to save this rule and go back to the Edit Offering window
- Click Close to finish.
Related links
Assigning pricing to an offering
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