Running an instructor assignment report

You can create a report for specific staff members or your entire staff to see what events they are working and which events still need staff assigned.

  1. From the main calendar window click the Reports/Grids button and select Instructor Assignments.
  2. Select the offering type to see the schedule for one type of event, or the top level category to see all offerings under that category.
  3. Choose the date range you wish to review, or use one of the buttons next to the dates to select a specific time span.

  4. Use the Sort Events dropdown to sort the events by the date or the date and the instructor.
  5. Use the Filter On Staff dropdown to show all staff or just a specific staff member.
  6. Select whether or not you want to see only events that still require instructors or if you only want to see the first session of a multisession offering.
  7. After you run your report select on any date and click the Open Event button to edit the event, including staffing.
  8. Use the buttons at the bottom to print the report, open it in Excel or save as a .CSV file.
  9. Click Close to finish.



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