Adding Seats in the RGP Cloud User Dashboard


Login to the RGP Cloud User Dashboard with an Organization Admin or Group Admin seat.

1) Click on the Seats link and then the + New Seat button.



From here you can create the Seat Profile:

First, select the Seat Type -  Personal Seat or Workstation Seat


Personal Seat: Used by a single person and can move from computer to computer (e.g., a manager using a laptop at home or multiple back-office computers). Only ONE person can use a personal seat as it is tied to their cell phone for text message security access (2FA).

Workstation Seat: Used by one computer and shared by multiple users on the same computer (i.e. a Front Desk or Check-in computer). Workstation seats are secured by a random password that is assigned during the initial connection.  No human knows the password and it is stored safely and encrypted on the workstation.  Because no human knows this password, you cannot use this seat on another workstation - the seat is limited to this workstation only.  If in the future, you need to change the workstation assigned to the seat, you can just reassign a new one-time password (see below) and repeat the steps on the new workstation.


To Add a Personal Seat 

First Name
First name of the individual user

Last Name
Last name of the individual user

Display Name
The name used to identify the seat in your RGP Cloud User Dashboard (e.g.; Harry P.)

The username the seat holder will use to access RGP Cloud

The user will receive their RGP Cloud invitation at this email address

The user’s cell phone number will be required for Two-Factor Authentication


  • Standard Seat = User can only view the ‘Facilities’ tab in the Dashboard. Cannot add seats.
  • Organizational Admin Seat = Can change user profiles and activate/deactivate/add seats.
  • Group Admin Seat = Used by large and multiple facilities that want to create groups to isolate certain types of users based on their duties or location, for example.


2) Click Submit

The new Personal Seat has been added! The user will receive an email invitation from with instructions on how to set up their password.

To Add a Workstation Seat

First Name

Enter the name of the computer or desk where this seat will be used: For example: If this seat will be used on a computer at the front desk, enter: Front (Last Name would be Desk)

Last Name
Enter the name of the computer or desk where this seat will be used. For example: If this seat will be used on one computer at the front desk, enter: Desk (First Name would be Front)

Display Name
The name used to identify the seat in your RGP Cloud User Dashboard (e.g.; FD1)

The username for the workstation used to access RGP Cloud

A strong, one-time password (Password Requirements)

Choose Standard Seat

2) Click

The new Workstation Seat has been added!

Now that the seats have been added, you will need to download and install the RGP Cloud Client and create a new Connection Profile on each computer/workstation.

When you first set up your Connection Profile, you will be asked to enter your Endpoint and Port.

You can find this information in your RGP Cloud User Dashboard:

  • Click on Facilities and you’ll see the Endpoint and Port under the DNS Endpoint:Port column. Example below.


    Example Shown: Endpoint - (no colon)
    Example Shown: Port - 11010 

>> Next Step:  How to Create a Connection Profile



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